Friday, September 13, 2013

Long Run

I have made it 3 days without my post even though I have been really wanting to report everything. my running is going great. I am so excited about my long run tomorrow even though it is only 3 miles. I find myself thinking about running all of the time, looking forward to the next run and that 5:15 am wake up. It has been a while since I have been that way. I will have to say that I am sleeping better now that I am doing this. My 3 mile run tomorrow will be in Rockmart and I am still trying to decide how I am going to do it because I am going to be getting up early to go since I am playing golf with my grandfather early.
I am at the point now that I do not even really have to think about what I can eat and what I cannot. I don't miss meat, I don't miss dairy. My favorite meal is from Taki, the Vegetable Hibachi. It is delicious. I told Juliet yesterday that I could eat it for every meal. Her response was " I will learn to cook it" I am so lucky to have her in my life.  

It is like clockwork every time Juliet lays down for bed the baby starts having a dance party. It is amazing to watch. The baby is getting big enough now that you can watch the little bumps on the mommy belly. I am more amazed every time. I haven't met this little one yet but I can't wait until I do.  
Things have been on hold this week for the house. we had an ant invasion yesterday in the bedroom. I am going to have to really deal with this soon. I have a feeling that this means pulling up all of the baseboards in the house and sealing everything up with caulk or foam. It is going to be a ton of work, but I have to get everything taken care of. This of course is on hold until after the nursery gets completed.
 Today I am feeling just how blessed I am to have Juliet in my life. She is going to be a great mother. She is a better wife that I can even explain. She takes care of me. She makes me a better person, and pushes me to succeed in anything I do (even if I don't want to).  She believes in me in times I do not. yesterday I sent her a message advising I knew  what I want for my birthday in January, To run another marathon. Yes I know this is crazy and I am out of my mind, but apparently she didn't think so. She has already told someone I was running it. Haha. I'm glad I was serious and not messing with her. All I know is that God has blessed me and I know I am not worthy.

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