On Saturday morning I got up early since I had a 5k race that I signed up for even though I had been sick all week (I am goofy I know). I only did this because I have a half marathon to run in on November 17th and I know that race is not going to care if I was sick or not.
So I got to the race and realized that this was the smallest race I have ever run in. literally only 15 people were involved. That should have been a clue as to how this race would be, but it wasn't. the thing about large races is that you can pace yourself. You don't get mentally psyched out by seeing other people ahead of you because there are also people beside you and behind you. with a race size of 15 everyone is in a clump for most of the race. I ran to fast at the beginning doing about a 9 minute mile as apposed to my normal lately of 11:45 min/mile. Along with the sinus infection mixed with the beginning of bronchitis (as described by a doctor on wed) I was headed for disaster. I went out too fast got winded and worn out early and ended up walking pieces of it. I barely had enough energy left to do my signature run to the finish the moment I can see it. but I finished in 34:14. Not bad but my PR is 30:00 which was 2 years and 15 pounds ago.
After the race a went home and immediately began working on the nursery. A good friend of mine, Ed, was coming over at 12 to help me with the crown molding since all I seem to be able to do is stand there, look at the unfinished pieces and scratch my head. Before Ed got there I was able to get the quarter round put down in the room and get everything set up for doing the crown molding. around 12 Ed got to the house and we knocked the crown molding out and then he left. It to about 2 and a half hours. after he left I got out the caulk and caulked the nail holes and the seams that I had not done previously, I also changed all 8 of the outlets in the room since the previous owners pained them green. Now all I have left to do is figure out what kind of light fixture we want in there and hang it, Paint the ceiling, and put a second coat of paint on the walls. It is starting to come together.
It is hard to believe that I did most of this work myself.
On Sunday night at church we did not have the usual evening service. We had time to say thank you to someone who has been an inspiration to us, even if they weren't in the room. All I could think about was my grandfather who has been there to be a role model to me since I was young. If you want to know why I am so goofy then hang out with him for 5 minutes. I began to think of the different moments that stood out in my life with him, from the times in pre-k that got me titled by my mom as the "pre-k drop out" my grandfather would take me to school and I would cry and hold his leg until he would put me back in the truck and let me go around with him all day (Mama didn't get told until later) or the fact that I would eat whatever he would eat and I had high cholesterol at 5. I also remember the time that he was getting on to me for something and we were having a conversation and I punched him in the nose. This is when the infamous "jap slapping" occurred, He felt terrible afterwards. Things that come to mind from my older years are the wedding he performed for my wife and I, or the deacon ordination service he did for me. Though I did not go into the details during the service it has been on my mind since then. He has always been a role model for me and has always shown me that God is the way. It is amazing to me how God places people in your life, in your path, or in your "way" to get you to where you are now. I know without my parents, my friends, my family, and my wife I would not be where I am now.
UPDATE: I forgot to mention my training run this morning. I only ran one mile but It felt easier than before, It also was much faster that previous weeks. I feel like I am slowly getting back into it and as long as I can stay healthy I will be good to go.
On a side note:
On a side note:
I have made it to 13 pounds lost. Down to 247 lbs.
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